Oral pathology is the specialty of dentistry and pathology which deals with the nature, identification, and management of diseases affecting the oral and maxillofacial regions. It is a science that investigates the causes, processes and effects of these diseases. The practice of oral pathology includes research, diagnosis of diseases using clinical, radiographic, microscopic, biochemical or other examinations, and management of patients.


The oral pathology laboratory accepts biopsy and surgical tissue specimen for histopathological evaluation and diagnosis from medical and dental departments of this institution. We undertake diagnostic procedures such as routine haematological procedures, punch biopsies, fine needle aspiration cytology and exfoliative cytology. The laboratory also serves as a source for research projects undertaken by the faculty and postgraduate students of the college. We have fully functional and well equipped oral precancer/ cancer detection centre for screening any precancerous and cancerous lesions by the trained dental personal.

Oral Pathology and microbiology | Rungta Group of Colleges, Bhilai



  • Biostatics and research methodolgy
  • General histology
  • Biochemistry
  • Systemic microbiology/ applied microbiology
  • Oral biology (oral and dental histology)
  • Basic molecular biology and techniques
  • Basichistotechniques and microscopy
  • Oral pathology
  • Clinicalpahtology
  • Specializedhistotechniques and special stains
  • Recording of case history and clinico pathological discussions
  • Dermatology
  • Oral oncology
  • Oral microbiology and immunology
  • Forensic odontology
  • Laboratory techniques and diagnosis
  • Experimental aspects of oral diseases
  • Recent advances in oral pathology.


  • Short term research studies and epidemiological studies.
  • Developing teaching modules
  • Participation in UG teaching programs.
  • Participation in CDE programmes and National level conferences.


  • Dental anatomy, embryology and oral histology
  • Oral embryology
  • Oral histology
  • Oral physiology
  • Oral pathology & oral microbiology
  • Routine hematology
  • Urine analysis
  • Case presentation
  • Patient history sheets:
    • Exfoliative cytology
    • Vital staining
  • Tissue processing
    • Soft tissue
    • Declacified tissue
    • Ground sections
  • 2015
  • 2018

Webinar: Effective Tobacco Cessation Methodologies for higher Quit Rate- Why, Where, What &How ?


  • Evaluation of various oral mucosal lesions including precancerous lesions.
  • Biopsy procedure.
  • Scrape cytology
  • Fine needle aspiration cytology
  • Routine haematological procedure


Awarded Best Department in 2018 at Rungta College Carnival


S.No.Title of DissertationName of StudentName of GuideYear
1 Collagen in histologic stages of OSMF: A polarising light microscopic study. Dr.Sonam Agrawal Dr. Rajesh Gondhalekar 2012-2015
2 Association of dental caries streptococcus mutans counts and sectetory IGA levels By Radial Immuno diffusion method. Dr. Swati Saluja Dr. Rajesh Gondhalekar 2012-2015
3 Correlation of clinical grades of oral sub mucous fibrosis with morph metrical analysis and lipid values. Dr. Palak Dr. Vanita Rathod 2012-2015
4 Immunohistochemical expression of vascular endothelial growth factor microvessel density and toludine blue as mast cell proliferation marker in oral precancer and cancerous lesion. Dr.ChandralekhaVerma Dr. Rajesh Gondhalekar 2013-2016
5 Comparision and analysis of various methods of age estimation to find out and correlate the most reliable method. Dr.Saket Sharma Dr. Rajesh Gondhalekar 2013-2016
6 Expression of mucin 4 in potential malignant lesion an immunohistochemical study Dr. Veena Desai Dr. Vanita Rathod 2014-2017
7 Barr body in gender determination using H&E and acetoorcien stain in forensic odontology. Dr. Sachin Kumar Mehta Dr. Vanita Rathod 2015-2018
8 Quantitative analysis of serum levels of trace elements with oral potential malignant disorders and oral squamous cell carcinoma a cross sectional study. Dr. Dinesh Soni Dr. Vanita Rathod 2015-2018
9 Evaluation of serum and saliva copper level and compare with mucosal tissue levels in OSMF by using special stain. Dr. NishaRaghani Dr. Vanita C. Rathod 2015- 2018
10 Assesment of oral hygiene status, salivary and plaque pH, antioxidant activity among individual with and without developmental disabilities. Dr. Chirag Joshi Dr. SiddharthPundir 2015- 2018
11 Role of tissue eosinophils& mast cells by using special stains in oral potentially malignant and malignant lesions Dr. SumanDebmalik Dr. Vanita C. Rathod 2015-2018
12 A study of sexual dimorphism in permanent mandibular teeth and their implications in forensic investigations. Dr.Anshuman Kumar Dr. Sudhanshu Dixit 2018-2021
13 A study of sexual dimorphism in all permanent maxillary teeth arch width and arch depth in forensic investigations. Dr. Ankit Jain Dr. DilipGadewar 2018-2021
14 Morphometric Analysis of oral mucosa in type II Diabetic patients. Dr. Manish Jain Dr. DilipGadewar 2018-2021
15 The evaluation of mast cells count in different grades of oral squamous cell carcinoma a histochemical study Dr. Mohammed Vikhasuddin Dr. SiddharthPundir 2019-2022
16 Evaluation of cytomorphometric changes in potentially malignant and malignant disorders - an exfoliative cytology study. Dr. Jyothikottur Dr. SiddharthPundir 2019-2022


S.No.Library DesertionName of PG StudentYear
1 Tumour markers Dr. Jyothi 2019-22
2 Developmental disturbances of tooth Dr. Vikhasuddin 2019-22
3 Immunology of oral cancer Dr. Ankit Jain 2018-21
4 Clear cell Lesions Dr. Manish Jain 2018-21
5 Keratotic Lesions of oral mucosa Dr. Anshuman Kumar 2018-21
6 Oral and Systemic diseases: A diagnostic correlation Dr. Nisha Raghani 2016-19
7 Cytokeratin Dr. Suman Debmallick 2016-19
8 Giant cell and Giant cell lesion of oral cavity Dr. Kshipra Tiwari 2015-18
9 Saliva as a biomarker Dr. Sachin Kr. Mehta 2015-18
10 Age estimation in forensic odontology Dr. Saket Sharma 2013-16
11 Histogenesis of salivary gland disorders Dr. Rashmi chandrakar 2013-16
12 Oral epithelial dysplasia Dr. Veena Desai 2014-17
13 Tumour marker in oral neoplasiaDr.Sankreeti Mala 2013-16
14 Age estimation in forensic odontology Dr.Sankreeti Mala 2013-16
15 Collagen Dr. Palak Upadhyaya 2012-15
16 Special stains Dr.Sonam Agrawal 2012-15
17 Role of genes in odontogeneisis Dr. Swati Saluja 2012-15
18 Apoptosis in oral health and disease Dr. Sankeerti mala 2013-16


S.No.TitleAuthorPublicationNo. of Copies
1 Essential of oral pathology and oral medicine Cawson Churchill Livingstone 1
2 Synopsis of oral pathology Bhasker CBS 1
3 Oral and maxillofacial Pathology Neville Saunders 1
4 Text Book of Oral Pathology Saraf,Sanjay Jaypee 1
5 Text Book of Oral Pathology Shafer,Hine Elsevier 2
6 Essential of Oral Pathology 2nd edition Swapan Kumar Purkait Jaypee 1
7 Oral pathology: Clinical Pathogenic correlation Regezi,Joseph Saunders 2
8 Colour Atlas of oral pathology Evevon John W Mosby Wolof 1
9 Oral Pathology Somaes & Southam Oxford 1
10 Pocket Atlas of oral diseases Laskaris, George Thieme 1
11 Treatment of oral diseases a concise textbook Laskaris, George Thieme 1
12 Oral microbiology Marsh, Philip D Churchill Livingstone 1
13 Dental Anatomy Histology and Development Bhala Ji Arya Publication house 1
14 Dental Anatomy, Physiology Ash/ Nelson Elsevier 1
15 Orban's oral Histology and embryology Bhaskar SN Mosby / Elsevier 2
16 Oral anatomy Histology and embryology Berkovitz Mosby 1
17 Oral Histology development structure and function Tencates Mosby 1
18 Textbook of dental and oral Histology with embryology and function Chandra Jaypee 3
19 Textbook of dental and oral anatomy physiology and occlusion Chandra Satish Jaypee 1
20 Oral development and Histology Avery, James K Thieme 1
21 Robbins Pathology basis of diseases Cortan, Kumar,Collins Saunders 1
22 Textbook of Pathology Harsh Mohan Jaypee 2
23 Pathology of quick review and MCQs Harsh Mohan Jaypee 2
24 Orban's oral Histology and embryology Kumar 1
25 Textbook of microbiology Ananth Narayan/Panikar Orient Longman 1
26 Oral microbiology Harsh Mohann Jaypee 1
27 Short textbook of medical microbiology Gupte 2
28 Medical Microbiology Green Wood,David Churchill Livingstone 1
29 Atlas of Histology Erochenko 1
30 Human anatomy Chaurasia 1
31 Tencate’s Oral Histology Nancy 1


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